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Worship at Highpoint


What to expect

Our Sunday services are engaging, with powerful worship, and a transformative, relatable message from God’s Word.

We have Gospel communities in local communities. Join us this Sunday at our Naperville campus or the campus nearest to you.

campuses & Times

Church for Anyone.
Community for Everyone.


1805 High Point Dr, Naperville, IL 60563
Sunday 9 + 11 am
Visit page

Good Friday | April 18

3:00 + 4:30 + 6:00 pm

Easter | Sunday, April 20

8:00 + 9:30 + 11:00 am
Worship at NP


1310 N Main Street, Wheaton, IL 60187
Sunday 10 am
Visit page

Good Friday | April 18

Naperville 3:00 + 4:30 + 6:00 pm

Easter | Sunday, April 20

8:45 + 11:15 am

North Aurora

2301 Tanner Rd, North Aurora, IL 60542
Sunday 8 + 10 am
Visit page

Good Friday | April 18

Naperville 3:00 + 4:30 + 6:00 pm

Easter | Sunday, April 20

8:00 + 9:30 + 11:00 am


250 S. 1st Street, Monmouth, IL 61462
Sunday 10 am
Visit page

Good Friday | April 18

6:00 pm

Easter | Sunday, April 20

9:30 + 11:00 am

Highpoint en Español

Cada domingo en los locales de Naperville y Romeoville
Naperville - Domingo 11 am
Pagina en Español

Viernes Santo | Abril 18

Naperville | 6:00 pm

Resurrección | Abril 20

Naperville | 9:30 + 11:00 am


1805 High Point Dr, Naperville, IL 60563
하이포인트한인교회 예배 11:00 AM
방문 페이지

Good Friday | April 18

Naperville | 3:00 + 4:30 + 6:00 pm

Easter | April 20

Naperville | 8:00 + 9:30 + 11:00 am

Easter With Highpoint

April 18-20
Pause and reflect on His sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday, and then celebrate the resurrection at any Highpoint campus!

Campuses + Times

What about
my kids?

We can’t wait to meet your whole family this Sunday, and to provide a safe and Jesus-centered experience for your children. Full Highpoint Kids programming is available at all Highpoint campuses.
Learn more
Highpoint Kids
Welcome one another as Christ as welcomed you to the glory of God.
romans 15:7

Stay connected. Engage and grow.

Download the Highpoint App and follow us on socials to stay connected with everything happening at Highpoint. Discover how you can be part of our amazing community.
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