Highpoint Men
Our vision
Unite as men. Grow as brothers. Pursue Christian manhood together.
We are committed to investing in intentional discipleship and development of men at Highpoint. In addition to weekly Men’s Groups, the men of Highpoint gather four times each year – three times locally on select Sunday evenings for Highpoint Men and for our annual Men’s Conference.

Godly Manhood
6 Essential Qualities
of Highpoint Men
of Highpoint Men
Highpoint Men 1) live for their identity, 2) fight temptation, 3) lead by loving and love by leading, 4) embrace emotional health, 5) have healthy friendships, 6) show and share Jesus.
Men's Con
Men's Con Recap
Men's Con Baptisms
Highpoint Men
Grow as a Man
with other Men
with other Men

That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:17