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BOLD Conference 2023

Highpoint Women

Helping Women Thrive

Building Sisterhood in Christ

We seek to reach all women—younger, older, single, married. We seek to grow relationally in community and spiritually in the Word.

Highpoint Women

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Discipleship best happens in small groups. Make friends, dig into God’s Word, and care for one another.

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Remembered + kept | A study in the book of esther

Esther is a story chockfull with irony. Surprising reversals, extreme characters, and intense conflict move the story like a high-speed train. But to overlook Esther’s place in the story of the Bible is to short-change your study. To not notice how Esther’s story points to the grand redemption story of the Gospel is to miss the point altogether.Let’s put on that lens- the Jesus lens- as we study this book. In a book where God is not mentioned, how do we see evidence of Him working? What details or characters in the story hint to the need for a better Savior? What plot- points reflect the Gospel?Because Esther is not the heroine of the story, nor Mordecai the hero. The hero of Esther is Yahweh.

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Womens Conference

Grow in your faith and deepen your friendships at our annual Established Conference. Be encouraged by women in our community as we open the Word of God together.



Meet Bethany Smith

Bethany has a heart for the Lord, teaching the Bible, and leading people in worship. We love seeing the impact that she is making on our church and the Highpoint Women’s ministry.

Bethany Smith Highpoint
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

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